Bedding BAT rings

Fergus Bailey

New member
I like the idea of bedding scope rings and want to give it a try on my BR Rifles. I am quite comfortable with how to bed the sets of Kelbly rings that I have, but am a bit stumped with the sets of BAT rings given the long screw hole that sits under the scope. I am thinking of filling the hole with plasticine, then opening the hole up again after the epoxy bedding on the bottom ring has dried. But maybe I am missing a much better/easier way to do this - any suggestions?
I would stuff it full of kleenex and stick a small disc of tape over the hole. Or, if I wanted the tape disc to be even smaller I'd fill the hole with flour or C.O.W. and if I wanted NO tape I'd fill it with flour, drip some cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) on it an hit it with 'HotShot' accelerator....... instant cap.

Thanks Al. Kleenex or flour are certainly going to be easier to get out than plasticine once the bedding job is done.

I went looking for my bedding epoxy and release agent last night, but cant find where I stored them after I tidied up a few weeks ago! So I guess I have a bit more time to think this through.
TSo I guess I have a bit more time to think this through.

I hope you conclude you've already over-thought this. :D

If you were to ask Bruce Thom if bedding his rings on his action is a good idea, I bet he'd say "nope". But sometimes a man's gotta do what a man wants to do.

Gotta run; I have a bunch of primers to sort by weight. (just kidding...)
If you were to ask Bruce Thom if bedding his rings on his action is a good idea, I bet he'd say "nope". But sometimes a man's gotta do what a man wants to do.

Bruce would also most likely tell you that his actions are perfect out of the factory, but there are some very good BR competitors and smiths that have a different opinion. Bruce makes a very good base to work with, but that doesn't mean they cant be improved on.
Kokopelli tells the story, the REAL story

Incidentally, to all reading this, don't waste your time nor money on the silly wannabe stuff sold by Brownell's and Sinclair Intl.... :) the only way to get the Brownell's stuff to work is to use it backwards!

Kokopelli, everything else is a joke.

(There's a story there BTW :) )
