I do not bed the extra long tang that is somewhat unique to a Savage, because of the liabilities. If the stock tweaks due to temperature, flex or whatever, it imparts stress on the action, a bad thing. There is over three inches of action (mostly tang) that extends behind the rear action screw. Most of that distance is to hold the loooong trigger that Savage insists on so there is little room for bedding or surface area because of the trigger. There is also little strength in the tang compared to a Remington or custom benchrest action. Pressure on the tang creates a long "lever" to stress the action so the way I see it avoid the negative and float the tang. I feel the same way about bedding a barrel, float it unless you can't make it shoot floated.
Before you bed the tang ask around, I think you will find more people with good reasons not too. That said it is great that we can share differing opinions, I learn a lot here and in the shop, still trying to apply it each day.