Bedding a Kelby stock.



After a brief conversation on the phone with Mr Kelby recently, about bedding one of his benchrest stocks, I was told by Mr Kelby that this perticular stock should be bedded. I have no trouble with that . What I thought I understood ,was that when this stock was beded that there should be no movement of the action at all in this stock. The smith called this morning and informed me the rifle was ready to pick up. The problem I have now is that he told me that when the thumb is placed on the forarm of the stock and the fingers are placed on the barrel and pushed down there is a little movement of the barrel. he states that you will get this and there should be no problem. My understanding is that there should be no movement at all between the stock and the barreled action.The rifle is a model 1813 Anchutz 54 action ,the barrel is free floated ,piller beded and in the area of the actions recoil lug every thing has been glass bedded except the lug area it's self. There is no movement side to sides So could some of you good folks help me understand if there should be absolutly no movement of the barrel and stock or am I mistaken about this. Thank you for any help and your time garrisone.
Are you saying that when you push down on the barrel with both guard screws tight, the barrel moves down? If that's the case the stock is flexing, and most all of 'em will do that.

What people usually refer to when they're talking movement, is that when both screws are tight and you loosen the front screw and the receiver ring and barrel rises the bedding isn't right, usually a high spot between the 2 screws, and when you tighten it up it causes stress on the action.

If I answered the wrong question, let me know and I'll try again.
The Barrel will move a bit if you push down on it. It is free floating and has no support under it (which is what you want). You want to make sure that the reciever is not moving.