Bed a new 30-06 rifle?


Gary O

I brought home a new Model 70 Winchester Sporter today in 30-06. It comes from the factory free-floated and epoxy bedded in the recoil lug and tang area. Question; should I have the action area bedded and aluminum pillars installed before I test fire it and begin load development? What say you? Thanks...
is it a wood stock ??
then it has the ability to seal it well..or replace with a composite quality stock ,then pillar and bed...
check the crown/recrown.
but it would be nice to have something to measure your progress either shoot a known load or commercial match load..and record the resultsbefore anything else is done. start with a known torque on the action screws.
now you can measure your progress as you spend more money on it.

mike in co
Or boiling it to essentials: what accuracy level do you need vs how it shoots now. I assume a 30-06 will be a hunting rifle.
I've been through this so here we go:

I would bore scope the barrel before doing anything. You would be looking for missing rifling, etc. Some rough barrels shoot pretty darn well.

If all checks out then pillar bed, crown and trigger.

If it shoots, then sometime down the line you may want another stock, because of weather conditions.

When working up a load use Sierra Match Kings in the weight hunting bullet you will want to use; because if it will not shoot Match Kings it most likely will not shoot others.
Or boiling it to essentials: what accuracy level do you need vs how it shoots now. I assume a 30-06 will be a hunting rifle.

Bingo! A .30-06 sporter with a 3-9 or 4-12 scope shooting an inch or less is way good enough for hunting at the cartridges practical useful ranges on game from field positions. A hunter can bring home a lot of meat with a rig like that.

I'd definitely shoot it first and leave it alone if it shot well enough for the planned hunting.

Varmint rifles are a different story.

I suspect that even if I did not improve accuracy that much, I would improve the shooting
platforn over the life of the rifle with bedding the action and pillars. Yes? My local guy will
do that for $125 total. I replaced the trigger spring in my M.O.A. trigger already...
I suspect that even if I did not improve accuracy that much, I would improve the shooting
platforn over the life of the rifle with bedding the action and pillars. Yes? My local guy will
do that for $125 total. I replaced the trigger spring in my M.O.A. trigger already...

Have you shot it yet?

I bought a 70 srorter in 3006. Its mighty particular in what it likes. I ve shot it 150 or 200 times with alot of different loads and it shot 4064 150 sst and nosler 150 BTs the best. It had a small crack behind the recoil lug. Sent it back to FN and it looks like they took a dremel and ground it out just superficial. Ive shot a .3 group with it and Ive shot a 3 in. with it. Just got it back yesterday. Ill start fightin it again soon. Id shoot it before I bedded it. Free float oughta be as good as pillar bed.