Bausch & Lomb Balvar base removal??


Paul Fielder

I have an Anschutz 54 sporter with this external scope /base adjustments and not sure exactly the proper methed to remove the base after I got the scope off.

There is a spring loaded bar which I can compress but don't want to mess anything up. I can't get to the base screws off w/out getting this off. The external adjustments spin in place.

Can soemone walk me through the right way to do this w/out boogering up??


There were 2 types of B&L externally adjustable mounts (Plus a similar Kuharsky mount). One was the "plunger" rings--you grasp the scope and pull back compressing the plunger freeing the front extension under the base. Then, the scope comes right off.

The second was the "clamp spring" rings. There is a star nut underneath the rings that compresses a flat spring. Turn the star nut off, the spring drops off and the scope is free.

Does this sound like what you have?
After re-reading your post it seems like you got the scope off?

"The spring loaded bar" part of the base(?) puzzles me. Doesn't sound like a B&L mount.

Can you determine who made the mounts? Post a photo?
Vic, You are correct. It is the plunger type B & L mount with rings. Put the scope back in the rings and use the scope to compress the plunger. Raise the front of the scope, move forward and the scope will come off. Then remove the rings.

Rat Farts!!

Did it the hard way....I needed to get it off asap but now wished I had waited cuz the guy who was going to look at the gun didn't show up on time.

Compressed the plunger w/ a brass punch and lifted it off. Way harder than just moving w/ the scope on!! Thanks guys.....I love this forum.

Hope I didn't make thing harder for whoever buys the scope set up. I wonder how old the scope is...amazingly clear!! It's now in 3 pieces if you include the scope. I put one tiny littl booger on the bottom of the base but should be hidden when assembled.

Rat Farts

B & L stopped making the external adjusting scopes around 1970. What you have is called a BALVAR 8. The retailed for $125.00 at the time they were discontinued. The mounts and rings were about 35.00 or 40.00. B & L's claim was one scope for several different rifles.

Old B&L Scopes!

OK--I didn't realize you took the scope off and left the rings on the bases but now it is clear!

Those old B&L Scopes are still great! I have some 2.5-8X scopes and some fixed 4X with straight tubes (no objective bell). Yes, they are bright. And VERY durable.

The clamp spring rings and bases are bulky and heavy! The "V" block design keeps everyhing stable, however. Some guys complain they are hard to adjust but I've not had trouble.

I still hunt with those scopes. I think brightness and light transmission is about 95% as good as most scopes made today. The changes in crosshair width as power changes don't bother me. I usually leave the variable set at 8X anyway.
what is the market on them??

This one is the 2.5-8 and it's mint. It has a neat tapered it worth putting up on one of the auction sites?? Don't think I'll ever use it. I'm pretty impressed w/ the whole set up after messing with it.

Guessing the scope is the value and the base is probably only good for a 54 action??

Yes, the mounts were pretty specific to different actions but sometimes you can mix and match or adapt them to other actions. I've even seen some where extra holes were drilled in the bases to change the spacing.

If you have a price in mind please send me a private message. You see these for sale quite often--they aren't rare. They do appeal to a small number of guys who like and use them (like me). But most guys don't like messing with the mounts.

By the way, there are 2 variations of the 2.5-8X--an older and a newer version. Sometime in the late 1960s (I think) they made some changes, mainly to the power selector ring. It's a re-design, actually. I like the first version better.
I'll look into it vic as there should be some history....

on the auction sites.....what do I look for to see if it's the newer or older one?? Give me a day or two and will be glad to send you pics. This thing is like new & the 1st one I had ever run across. Pretty neat.
The older version has a prominent power selector ring--it is mabe 3/8 inch bigger in diameter than the scope tube. It is separate from the scope tube. The newer one is much closer in diameter to the tube and more a part of the tube--the whole rear part of the scope rotates to change the power.

Please contact me when you know what you want for it.