Battery power for RCBS Chargemaster



Looking for one of those battery packs for the RCBS chargemaster...they have been for sale in past in classified section. Anyone know the contact information of the guy who makes them? Many thanks!
you can also use one of the ones from radio shack that holds 8 D cell batteries.
You could use a 12 v sealed lead acid battery. They come in various sizes. Here's one I put in a MTM die storage box along with the charger. Disregard the dc voltage converter, not needed.



Or, here's the 8 d cell battery pack.

Jerry Hensler uses the 8 D cells and claims that that setup will run a whole season off of one set of batteries.
His logic is its a lot easier to find some extra D cells in time of emergency than other types of batteries or to just replace a set if you forget or cant charge the acid battery.
Personally I have a 110 plug built into my jeep and I just plug mine into that.
Otherwise I use one of those booster jumper batteries that have a 110 plug built into it.
I can just plug the unit in to recharge it and its all self contained along with the fact I can still use it for a jump if I ever need to.