BATS cone angle and barrel swap??


Active member
Fellas i asked about this last year or so but i dont recal what i was told. The way i understand this is that the cone angle is different between a BAT 3 lug and a 2 lug? Are these barrels interchangable? What i mean is, can i take a barrel from a 3 lug bat and screw it onto a BAT 2 LUg with out any trouble? What about visa versa? I bought a take off barrel from Ron H for practice and i am pretty sure it came off a 2 lug bat and when i went to put it on my 3 lug the front of the bolt just barely touched the cone on the chamber. Ron is going to fix it for me next time i am down there but this got me to wondering about all this again. When i put this barrel on one of my 2 lug BAT actions it all seems fine. So how does this work exactly? How much space is wanted between the front of a bolt and the cone of the chamber? Can you have to much even if everything else seems fine? Thanks Lee

........should a minimum of .006 (IMO), this allows room for a broken bristle off a brush or a kernel of powder and one will still be able to close the bolt. I also believe anything over .010 is too much.. Jan