BAT Bolt cone angle???


Active member
Ill try to ask this the best i can, so here goes. While in st Louis for the varmint for score shoot this past weekend i was talking with some fellas about the angle on the bolt of BAT actions. The way i understand it is that most any barrel chambered for a bat is interchangeable on other bat actions. The topic was brought up about the angles of the bolt on ppc bolts vs 308 bolts. Are the angles the same or are they different from a 308 bolt to a ppc bolt? The reason i would like to know more about this is that i have a barrel that was chambered for a BAT SV with a combo bolt, or 308. I really dont know if this action was a ppc bolt and opened up to a 308 bolt or if it has always been a 308 bolt, as i bought the action used. The way i understand it is that a bolt has to start life as a ppc then opened up to 308 for it to work both ways?? Anyway i am thinking about buying a new BAT action model B with a 308 bolt. Will my 6mm barrel i have now on that combo bolt work on this new action with the 308 bolt? Fellas i hope i asked this properly. Seems to me if i heard the conversation correctly that the ppc bolt cone is a little different than a 308 bolt cone? I tried to call BAT this afternoon but you know how busy they get. Thanks Lee
BAT Bolt

I would keep trying to get through to the folks at BAT. A "combination" bolt that works with both .308 based cartridges and PPC may not be the same as a straight .308 bolt. To work with both cases sizes the extractor needs a little extra reach. I don't know if BAT makes them all the same or not. If there is a difference, it may be the depth of the extractor cut. There is no difference in cone angle.

Scott Roeder
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the barrel i have is a 243 shilen barrel with only 30 or so rounds on it. It was chambered for a BAT action with the combo bolt. Like i said it must have started life as a ppc bolt because it works either way now. I just wondered if a true 308 bolt would fit this barrel. the action i am getting is to big to be used as a ppc so it will always be used for 308 type of cases only. It just seems to me i heard a friend say the angles were different? I could hear everything he was saying as i was sitting across the table and i dont hear very well anymore. to many years of shooting, and loud working environments. Thanks Lee
If you go to Bat's website, click on contact us and send them an email you will have a response in about 1 day, I just ran into the same issue with the phones just befor the Cactus and fired off my question and the next day Bruce sent me the print for abat SV action .

The cone angle is the same on both. BAT bolts can be confusing and I have had many with multiple bolts for each action. Here is the rundown.

If you have a bolt that was made specific for a PPC or a .308, then that's what they are. A .308 original bolt may (and I say may ligthly) pull a ppc but probably not (none of mine would). It can not be adapted because of the extractor cut angle.

A PPC bolt face with a sako type extractor, can not be opened up to a .308 bolt face and work. Why, because of the extractor cut angle.

However, if you tell BAT during production that you want a .308 boltface that will pull both a ppc and .308, they will cut yet a different angle and the extractor will pull both. With that in mind, it takes just a little tinkering generally to make it reliably eject a (if you have a ejector) ppc without the case coming loose from the extractor first. Mainly a little filling will get it right. I usually kept a couple of ejectors around in case I over filed one.

Now, what I said above also holds true for most actions.


The older BAT's with the Winchester type extractor does quite well with both the PPC and .308 cases. Mine has a .308 bolt face and I have shot thousands of rounds of PPC without a single failure to pull the case. Mine also has an ejector that works well with both PPC and the 6mmDasher and 6XC. I don't know who set it up, but I believe that AL Weaver was the first owner. I got it from Joe Krupa. Good shooting... James


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Thanks JD thats pretty interesting. I bought a used BAT SV action and i really dont know how it was originally made. It looks identical to my ppc bolt except that this one is 308. I bought this action so i could build a second ppc for a back up or club level rifle. Im going to be placing this action in a Robertson BRX stock that i purchased from stiller's last week. I have seen several fellas use this stock i am getting for 600 yard shooting as well, so i figured i might give that a try as well. I loves these BAT action and i truly wish i had bought them from the start. I like the interchangeability (Now thats a big word for me!! LOL!!) of the BAT actions, plus they just feel so right. Stiller and BAT will get my money from here on out! I really like my stiller as well! Thanks Lee