Ill try to ask this the best i can, so here goes. While in st Louis for the varmint for score shoot this past weekend i was talking with some fellas about the angle on the bolt of BAT actions. The way i understand it is that most any barrel chambered for a bat is interchangeable on other bat actions. The topic was brought up about the angles of the bolt on ppc bolts vs 308 bolts. Are the angles the same or are they different from a 308 bolt to a ppc bolt? The reason i would like to know more about this is that i have a barrel that was chambered for a BAT SV with a combo bolt, or 308. I really dont know if this action was a ppc bolt and opened up to a 308 bolt or if it has always been a 308 bolt, as i bought the action used. The way i understand it is that a bolt has to start life as a ppc then opened up to 308 for it to work both ways?? Anyway i am thinking about buying a new BAT action model B with a 308 bolt. Will my 6mm barrel i have now on that combo bolt work on this new action with the 308 bolt? Fellas i hope i asked this properly. Seems to me if i heard the conversation correctly that the ppc bolt cone is a little different than a 308 bolt cone? I tried to call BAT this afternoon but you know how busy they get. Thanks Lee