OK Doug . . .
How 'bout a program for our Rimfire Central Matches? (Ahm: Outlaw Matches?) We have pirated the USBR target.
Rimfire Central rules allow each shooter to use the best target of up to 4 targets shot each month, at each range. They may use more than one rifle, but no more than 4 target per rifle at 25 & 50 yards.
Our Rimfire Central Rifle Classes:
Vintage Smallbore
Factory Sporter
Box Stock Factory Sporter
Scores from our local matches, and those from other shooters around the USA/World are submitted each month to Rimfire Central at this URL:
Brian Headlee in Wisconsin picks up the 50 yard scores & Mike Houle in Alaska picks up the 25 yard scores from there. They build the score bulletins with their own software, and post scores at the end of each month in this Forum:
Most shoot the matches alone on their own range A few clubs such as ours submit scores from the matches they run each month.
Provide fields for:
X count
Shooters Name
Home Town
Screen Name
Age, if Junior
Rifle Make & Model
Scope make & Power
Ammunition Used
Text field for other information, such as rests used, custom work, gunsmith, weather & excuses.
Set up a formula to pick the highest score shot by each competitor at each range: (if more than one score per range/class is listed). This may occur at clubs that use the system we use here at Sault Ste. Marie. (I spend a lot of time sorting through score cards for high scores in each of the 5 classes at both 25 & 50 yards.
Here at our range when we have less than 20 shooters, we allow up to 4 targets at each range. (As allowed in the RFC rules) When we get more than 30, they shoot no more than 2 targets per range, but may shoot two or more rifle classes. One of the unique features of our club's squadding is a person may shoot one target or may shoot as many as 8 or even 12, if he wants to shoot more in more than one class. This flexable squadding allows people to go home early if they have other family commitments, or come and shoot later after going to church.
Joe Haller