barrels scratches



ok im guilt of improper cleaning of a barrel, i have a noticeable gouge in one of the groves,any suggestions or is a new barrel the only answer? im

just sick. HELP?
Your smith may be able to relap the barrel in hopes that it's not as bad as it appears. Other wise, a new barrel is in order along with the proper rod guide and maybe even a new Denny Phillips Cleaning rod..
Sorry to hear about your barrel, I would be interested in what you use to clean and how you do it that you feel like you have been doing it improperly.

Pinch a bullet out of a cartridge and push it down the bore and then carefully inspect the slug under magnification. It could be cosmetic and not as bad as it looks.
Shoot the gun and see how it works. I've shot many guns with scratches and they shot Great. Good Luck Fred