Barrel weight??


Active member
Can anyone tell me roughly what a 6mm 1.250 straight barrel 24" would weigh? Does anyone have a 6mm 1.250 straight barrel 13.5 or 14 twist blank you could sell? Thanks Lee
Lee - There's a formula for determining the exact weight of a barrel. On the Net somewhere? Maybe on one of the barrel-butcher sites? Somebody should know. Maybe Google?

pac-nor also has a barrel weight calculator on their website.
what do you fellas know about schneider barrels? I picked one up from the classifieds for pretty cheep and i will make it a 6ppc. I have asked around for opinions on these barrels and the reviews seem pretty mixed. I think this barrel is a few years old but it was brand new and the price seemed right, so i guess we will soon see! Thanks Lee
I have a schneider 26x12T 308Win on a Winchester 70 Custom shop Sharpshooter model 70. I have no complaints with that barrel. The company has been around a long time. It's on line but not active. The address I see for them now is in Payson Arizona. It used to be Phoenix. I've never met Gary Schneider but his company was in a similar league with Lilja Hart, and Mcmillan many years ago when I started shooting. I don't know their status presently. I've never delt with them directly.. Don't be afarid to take the barrel to a good gunsmith and have them build a rifle around it. If it hasn't rusted time won't have hurt it.