Barrel Tuner for varmint shooting



I know very little aboutt he use of a barrel tuner, other than they have gained a lot of traction since I last shot any benchrest many years ago.

Would a tuner potentially have a useful place on a Benchrest-type varmint gun? My issue is that I pre-load massive amount of ammo, and I never exactly know what weather/temp to expect. Gosh, my pet load will give me quarter inch groups one day, and then next time to the range it's a little too hot and I'll be throwing up 1/2" groups (Which do not meet my standard/desire).

I'm now thinking I should start the practice of finding a good shooting load somewhere just off max velocity in hot temps, and then over time I could hopefully figure out how to use a barrel tuner to "tune" this load out in lower tempartures. This way, my pre-loaded ammo could potentially allways shoot at, or near, it's top potential. I just don't know if this is practical, as I likely wouldn't be doing extensive group testing throughout the day while varmint shooting as tempatures change???
With a good rifle, it does not take a lot of shots to readjust a tuner. I think that your idea has a lot of merit, and would like to hear about your results. Years ago, I made a folding A frame style target stand, specifically to take along on varmint hunts, for those occasions when one of us might feel like there is a scope adjustment issue, or some other problem. Good luck with your project.
Thanks...and I was able to get some good feedback regarding tuners on the "tempature tuning" thread I posted previously, so thank you for that as well.

Actually, I always put a target (and flag) out when varmint shooting off a bench, periodically checking things. Seems to me, rifles need to be resighted in every once in a while, for various reasons...not by much of course.

Barrel we come!