Barrel Storage?



I was trying to come up with ideas on how to store my extra barrels. Currently they are leaning up in my safe or in a barrel box/sleeve sitting on a shelf. Thinking about building a rack to hold them but I thought I would check with you guys for some ideas. So how do you store your extra barrels and remember pictures are worth a thousand words?
Two 2x4s on a base with angled 1/2 inch dowel pins makes for a more compact, double-sided stand, Al. What my friend Joel Pendergraft uses; I don't have a picture.
Well I had this wall...... but that's a great idea for my next one Charles, great idea.

Well I had this wall...... but that's a great idea for my next one Charles, great idea.


I like it , has class like a sword rack

are the organized by which gun they fit or random?
Why all the extra barrels? Do you keep shot-out barrels? If so, why? Do you rotate among non-shot-out barrels? If so, what's the strategy?
They're not "extra" barrels, they're good barrels currently in use. Shot out barrels are in a can altho right now the can is perty empty, they're mostly cut up for muzzle-brake and tuner experiments except for factory throwaway stuff.....and I even use factory barrels for fireforming barrels so nothing is wasted.
I guess there is no concern for moisture being trapped by rubber stoppers at each end.
I use both methods that Mr. Hanson uses. With the rubber stoppers or PVC, I drill 1/4" holes in the ends, that stops the moisture issue. Also, I take a plastic jug and put a few papertowels in the bottom, stand the barrels with the stoppers and holes in them up in the jug, then every now and then I just put a few drops of oil through the top hole and presto, no worry about rust in the barrels. Also, if your gunsmith likes to ship barrels wrapped in newspaper, do not store them that way, the ink in the newspaper will etch/rust the outside of the barrel. I'm not sure how long it takes but I got in some barrels while I was overseas and the wife put them in the safe still wrapped in newspaper and they looked very rough when I got back (several months). The bores were ok but the outside was pitted very deeply and couldn't be polished out.

the ink in the newspaper will etch/rust the outside of the barrel. I'm not sure how long it takes

Not long Kevin...........! And yes, the ink is BAD news man..!

Good storage methods here... I use a combo of all methods... Wall a barrels....!:rolleyes:
