Help me understand? I just watched a video demo clip of a apparently well regarded gunsmith setting up a barrel in the Grizzly lathe infomercial with a bushing range rod held in a jacobs type chuck in the tail stock and indicating on the rod first with it inserted at the breach end and then in about two inches further using the tail stock. He held the range rod in the tail stock jacobs chuck. I too set barrels up thru the headstock, 4 jaw and spider with a bushing to minimize chuck contact, but I use the tapered bushed range rods in both ends of the barrel. I insert the rod until the taper prevents further insertion, the indicate off the rod OD close to the barrel I never use the tailstock. I adjust and re-adjust until I get best results for TIR, with primary focus on the breach end. I also move the indicator out an inch or two on the range rod and check TIR there to see if the barrel bore in the portion which will be the future chamber is running parallel with the head stock spindle, assuming that not all barrel borings are straight from end to end. For this reason, my future muzzle end TIR is less important than the breach end at both indicator location. Help me understand how a person could hope to get accurate set up with a range rod fixed in the tailstock in something as inaccurate as a jacobs chuck and moving it in and out using the tailstock ram?? To me, the measurements would be affected by the tailstock alignment vertically, and the accuracy of the tailstock ram, and the chuck and the fact that most range rods are tapered and will not chuck up exactly parallel to the headstock spindle. So, please help me understand what I'm missing. I'd especially lick to hear from the guy who did the video, but I don't know how to reach him as I only say the U-tube clip. Thanks