Barrel inspection

This device will generate what Pat McMillan said to Manley Oakley, when Manley built a device to check rifling pitch accuracy,"Manley, what are trying to do put the barrel makers out of business?" This was back in the mid '70's! By the way Lilja barrels now has Manley's device, he gave it. to them.


Steve Kostanich
This device will generate what Pat McMillan said to Manley Oakley, when Manley built a device to check rifling pitch accuracy,"Manley, what are trying to do put the barrel makers out of business?" This was back in the mid '70's! By the way Lilja barrels now has Manley's device, he gave it. to them.


Steve Kostanich
I don't know what the cost benefit analysis would show, but in my gut I think this could allow top end barrel makers to identify how consistent their barrels truly are, and which elements of the tolerances they hold contribute most to accuracy. I read about makers and shooters searching through multiple barrels for "the one", much like the search for "killer" lots of ammo. Maybe it will affect that chase at the top end of the game.

If cost effective, it might allow some rifle manufacturers to identify/segregate & up market rifles fitted with barrels with better than average accuracy, like Kimber did with their star barreled 82G's.

Of course cost-effectiveness is a huge part of the value proposition. And with no data available on the cost of the system, it's all conjecture.

Just thinking.....

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