Barrel finish question??


Active member
Is there any coating you can put on a stainless barrel to make it look like blued chrome moly?
My Haverkamp rifle just got back from tom's and the stock tom had for me is a real dark green and black. I think a blued barrel would look real nice matched up to the blued action in this dark stock. Seems to me someone told me about a coating that makes the steel harder or something, and it turns your barrel a blackish color. Thanks Lee
Salt bath nitride is what you are thinking of. You want to make sure the barrel is shooting good before you send it off cause when its done its so hard you cant even recrown it.
Joel Kendrik is the man to contact, I've misplaced his number but you should be able to find it and more information if you search on salt bath nitride.
this is the last part of the article. If you want to read all of the article let me know.


"Joel believes there are many benefits to Melonite barrel processing. The barrels he has treated and tested have shown reduced fouling, less throat erosion, and extended useful barrel life. Melonite-treated Chrome-moly barrels will have improved corrosion resistance as well. But are there negatives? According to Joel, “with stainless barrels, Melonite processing may reduce corrosion resistance slightly. Also, the treatment process makes the surface so hard that re-chambering is not practical — so this is something you do to already-chambered barrels.”
What about accuracy? Joel says: “Melonite barrel treatment should have no effect, positive or negative, on accuracy… except to the extent that your barrel may retain its best accuracy longer since it won’t wear out as fast.”
To learn more about the Melonite nitrocarburizing process and its application to shooting products, contact Joel Kendrick, joelkndrck [at] To place an order, or to discuss volume pricing, Joel suggests you contact Mike Wright of H.E.F. USA, (937) 323-2556.
2015 Progress Drive
Springfield, Ohio 45505"
If you did not want to go with the Salt Nitride, you might look at CeraKote finishes for your rifle. This is a ceramic paint that is baked on. Lots of colors, you should be able to find an gun shop that applies it in your area.
thanks fellas i appreciate the info. Jay, you were the one that was talking about that. I couldnt remember who it was for nothing. Give me a call anyway i need to speak with ya! Lee