barrel diameter



as there is no rimfire benchrest here i won't be a competion shooter. not only that i'm probably not good enough.

my question is this:
with a larger diameter barrel say 1.25 inches at the muzzle (straight tube)
could i get by without a barrel tuner. at this diameter i am assuming the barrel
would be stiff enough not to need barrel tuner.

once again weight of rifle will not be an issue. appreciate any advice.
Doubt it, but a bit unchartered territory since nobody uses a bbl that thick. Think about something around .900 with the tuner, besides you'll have something new to play with.
Very heavy barrels, barrels cantilevered at both ends, and barrels held rigid for their full length have been tried by various people. All of these approaches never achieved the improvement in accuracy that you might expect. What I think this proves is that something other than vibration is responsible for most of the inaccuracy you see in guns. Based on what we know so far, it's the recoil movement or vibration that occurs in the whole gun that results in a very small portion of bullet dispersion (inaccuracy). The rest, which is the biggest portion, of inaccuracy is probably due to bullet variations such as misalignment, center-of-gravity shift, and bullet deformation. All this is more apparent in the imperfect bullets used in rimfire as compared to the very precise and uniform bullets used in centerfire.
thanks pacecil

i used 1.25 inches as an example only. didn't think it would work but no harm
in asking is there. the reason i did ask though is that in centrefire i have been
told the thicker and shorter the barrel is the more accurate but this only works out to 300 yards maximum. also maximum barrel length is in the 20 to 22 inch range.
Quote-"as there is no rimfire benchrest here i won't be a competion shooter. not only that i'm probably not good enough.Unquote

Just where are you at?
no rimfire benchrest

for some reason there is no rimfire benchrest.
there is centrefire benchrest though. they held the nationals here back in june.
A few years ago (about 1997-98) a friend & I put together a 13.5 lb 22 rf BR rifle using a 1.065" X 24" straight barrel. We wanted to see if there would be an advantage to shooting a heavier rifle in the 13.5 lb. class rather than shooting the 10.5 lb rifle in both classes.
The rifle shot very well but we found that the tuner had no effect on group size or POI. Any tuner change we made shot the same group pattern and group size. The rifle was very capable but was dependent on finding ammo that it liked. What we determined was there was no advantage to the heavy barrel and extra weight and there was a disadvantage to the heavier barrel in that it would not tune with the tuners we had available then. So even though the rifle was a very competitive with the right ammo we abandoned the project and installed a lighter barrel so we would have the tuner advantage.