Balistic Experts Needed At MyrthBusters


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Balistic Experts Needed At Myth-Busters

The two balistic gurus on the Myth-Busters Television show just shot a cannonball through 2 houses a sidewalk and into a minivan.The cannonball was 5.5 inches in diameter and weighed in at 35 pounds.They were trying to shoot it through 3 containers of water and into a cinder block.They forget to do something and the muzzle jumped upwards allowing the cannonball to not only miss the targets and the backstop but it cleared the berm and flew over a 700 foot hill before leaving the range entirely.
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I hope Mythbusters and the discovery channel have good insurance, sounds like they are going to need it.
I gave up watching that show quite awhile ago because they were getting too clever by at least half. Sounds like they got even more clever than usual on this one. The tube on an artillery piece has to be limited in its movement somehow. Either wedge underneath the breach, or an elevation screw under it, or something to keep it from jumping up, along with enough weight to keep the recoil under some sort of control. Older guns just rolled rearward on their wheels, modern guns use hydraulics to control recoil. I guess when you think that you're way smarter than the average raccoon you can just ignore what's proven to work.
Not really THROUGH 2 houses
"Hyneman said, the crew suffered "muzzle lift," and the cannonball arced across Dublin. It bounced on the Shettys' driveway on Cassata Place before racing through their home and flying across six-lane Tassajara Road.
It then bounced off the roof of a second home before smashing into another resident's Toyota Sienna minivan, coming to rest on the floorboards."
I watched a few episodes when it first came out, but got turned off because some of their 'science' is just down right BAD.
I'm constantly amazed 95% of the shows on TV get or have any funding, but then again I'm constantly amazed at what 'people' find valuable or interesting.
Things like rap music, what Bill Mar says, 200million dollar ball players or what Linzy Lowhand wore to court ??

I just dont get it