Balance and Bag Tracking



Where should the balance point on a rifle be for it to track well in the bags ??? Any best way to determine where that point is ??? Art
It depends on the length of the stock.......a longer stock (fore end) will allow for a heavier barrel than a shorter one. Some weigh both ends (two scales) and look for a 60% front / 40% rear ratio.

Moving the forend stop backwards in small increments can make a big difference in the weight on the rear bag. Just remember to move it back forward before shooting your 30br off the rest :eek:
gun balance?

What does a gun act like when when the balance point is further forward than the bolt face? Will you notice the gun acting funny as it recoils or will you notice unexplained veticle on the target? What is the telltale sign of a gun with its balance point say three inches forward of the bolt face? The reason I ask is I shoot with a tuner that weighs 6oz and that puts the balance point about three inches forward of the bolt face. What has been your experience??? Bro.D
What does a gun act like when when the balance point is further forward than the bolt face? Will you notice the gun acting funny as it recoils or will you notice unexplained veticle on the target? What is the telltale sign of a gun with its balance point say three inches forward of the bolt face? The reason I ask is I shoot with a tuner that weighs 6oz and that puts the balance point about three inches forward of the bolt face. What has been your experience??? Bro.D

That is probably just about right for a long-ish stock......maybe a bit forward for a short one.

I've never had a rifle balanced any further back than the face of the action...... and I'm very picky about balance.

If we are talking about a 10.5# short range Benchrest rifle, I feel safe in saying that bringing all the weight to the rear that is possible with a reasonable weight barrel, will not be excessive. With anything else, a little trial and error should giive an answer without too much trouble. The closest I can manage to the fornt of my action is about 1.5".