B R pistols


hg shelton

Why do most people not want pistols allowed in IR50/50 ????????????

Because they don't meet the rules??? If you change the rules to allow pistols, everyone will instantly make weight by cutting their buttstock off.
They're legal in Unlimited, aren't they?

Yeh Kent, you can shoot em in unlimited. I got one I was wanting to shoot in sporter class just trying to keep from buying or building a new rifle. this game has about priced me out of it !!!!!!!! Who would have thought I would not make it home from that Sparta match and now be 800,000 thousand in debt with two more surgerys to go? But you know what? I'M JUST GLAD TO BE HERE!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad you are still here too my friend! You have definitely had an ordeal to deal with since that day. I hope you're doing ok now.
It is hard to make the 12 1/2 inch trigger pull length for sporter on a pistol. I bet you could convert the pistol to a rifle though.
I do not think that the C@11?$$ pistols would be competitive anymore even if they allowed them. Rifle barrels have evolved enough to completely obsolete the shorter barrels for the pistols. But even if you sawed of the buttstock of the gun and wanted it to be a pistol, I don't think that the pistol shooters could compete with the rifle shooters with the Ability Improvements of the RF BR competitiors because of ammo and barrels. I don't mean to start a fuss. I know at least one person who will look at this and be upset (I'm not being antogonistic) but the truth is even C@11?$$ is even abandoning the pistol arena for RFBR. Just my 2 pennies.


P.s. I have no idea h.g. shelton why folks don't want pistols in IR 50/50. I years past it would have been a weight thing, but not anymore.
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What would solve the whole problem is to make a class just for the pistols,,same as rifles..