Austin Rifle Club Oct 2010 VFS/Hunter Match Results


New member
Hunter Class
1st Virgil Howarth, 248/11X, calb 30 HBR
2nd Charlie Kirkpatrick, 247/9X, calb 30 Kirk
3rd Jon Meddings, 240/5X, calb 30/47
4th John Gallaher, 238/6X, calb 308

1st Gary Bristow, 250/20X, calb 30BR
2nd Art Bosco, 250/12X, calb 30BR
3rd Ted Heckerman, 249/10X, calb 25 Ted
4th Andy Vzdavinez, 248/19X, calb 30BR
5th Robert Rongero, 246/6X, calb 6ppc
6th Patrick Callan, 201/9X, calb 6ppc

1st Jerry Light, 230/4X, calb 308

Weather was great at 86 degrees. However, there was an inconvienent vectoring strong tail wind that shifted right to left at about 20 degrees. Fooled me a couple of times.

Virgil Howarth
Match Director

Virgil Howarth

Posts: 83
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:05 pm
Location: Austin, TX
Congratulations to Virgil, Jerry, and Gary on their well deserved victories in some tough conditions. Way to go guys........ =)

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Sounds like a nice day shooting at the Austin Club. Wished I could have been there, but Mrs P1 had me doing the trick or treat thing with the squids. Next month isn't looking too good either since it's Thanksgiving weekend.
Oh well....

Sounds like a nice day shooting at the Austin Club. Wished I could have been there, but Mrs P1 had me doing the trick or treat thing with the squids. Next month isn't looking too good either since it's Thanksgiving weekend.

Hope to see ya in the near future. That's one advantage of running matches year round.;)