Austin Rifle Club Nov VFS/HTR Match results


New member
Place Name Score Calb

1st Steve Young 250/17X 30BR
2nd Gary Bristow 250/15X 30BR
3rd Lynn Gibson 250/14X 30BR


1st Jon Gallaher 247/11X 30BR
2nd Virgil Howarth 247/9X 30HBR
3rd Joe Hutchens 245/11X 30BR

Well it was almost a full house with 16 shooters, shooting in a blistery tail wind vectoring 20 degrees with a one second notice. One neat thing; John Thorpe was high score in match five with a 50/3X shooting his Factory Rem 700 308. This was against all other VFS shooters. Hey, isn't that just a longer 30BR?:rolleyes:

Well as always, hope to see ya all next month when it will be the last chance to shoot high score of the year, and get that coveted ARC coffee mug.:)

Virgil Howarth
Benchrest Match Director