Austin Rifle Club-Match results-Nov 24,2024- Record Crowd

ARC 100 yd Match for score
29 Shooters - 16 VFS, 13 Hunter Rifles

I figured it would be a big crowd after 24 showed up early....but they kept coming in the gate like ducks to a spread on the upper Texas coast. 29 shooters today , a new attendance record for us. And on a day of a hard south wind that got worse as the day went on. This was our Special Hunter Match day so almost even on VFS and Hunter guns. So top honors for 1st place Hunter rifle was Jim Moore with a 249-11X. 2nd Hunter was Mike Wall at 248-14X and coming in 3rd was Ray Cline at 246-8X. Dang good shooting all of them in these switchy conditions.
In VFS, Marlon Goates wins with a 250-18X. He got better scores as the match progressed. 2nd place was Big Steve Brown with 250-17X and 3rd place is Craig Lehman posting a 250-15X. Only 4 clean shooters in that wind.
Thanks to the out of town shooters making the trip to make this a big match. Good to have Al Elliott, Jim Moore, Ray Cline, Bill Shults, Roger Vennard, and Dwight Haby come to shoot our club match. Took a little longer but what a good competition.
Our next match is squeezed in between Christmas and New Years on Sunday, Dec 29....STARTS AT NOON.
Hope to see ya'll there.
Steve Krause, Benchrest Match Director


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