Austin Rifle Club - Match Results June 25, 2023 - Steve Brown wins TieBreaker

ARC - 100 yd Match for Score - The ARC 'Watermelon Match'
16 Shooters - 12 VFS, 4 Factory

The high heat and humidity kept a lot of shooters home for our 'Watermelon Match'. Temps in the high 90's, HUMIDITY and 180 wind reversals forced you to keep your attention. Short lulls appeared but only briefly. Factory rifles battled it out and some had some equipment probs. 1st place goes to Paul Shanklin and that 308 with a 237-2X. Mr Mims was on his way to winning but blanked a few late bulls. So 2nd was Hal Bogatz and John Price gets 3rd.
3rd place VFS goes to Bill Sparks @ 250-14X. We welcome him back after a long absence. There was a tie for 1st place between Steve Brown and Steve Krause at 250-19X. The tiebreaker, Match #1 scores, goes to Mr. Brown edging Krause by 1X. A loud profanity laced verbal protest from shooter Krause was heard by the official scorer, Mr Krause. Consulting with the Match Director, Mr Krause, the protest failed as it was beyond protest protocol, out of line and clearly unfounded. So Steve Brown wins outright and received 1st place money and the coveted cold Watermelon. Congrats to Brown and his excellent shooting.
And we would like to recognize our previous Match Director observing our annual banner match, Virgil Howarth....The Greatest Match Director in club history. Applause here.

Our July match will be on July 30 and expect HOT. We start at 10am again. Hopefully the heat wave of June, averaging in the 100's, will abate some.
Good shooting all and thanks for the help on target and backer crews. Sure helps when everyone pitches in when it gets this hot.
Steve Krause
Benchrest Match Director


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ARC - 100 yd Match for Score - The ARC 'Watermelon Match'
16 Shooters - 12 VFS, 4 Factory

The high heat and humidity kept a lot of shooters home for our 'Watermelon Match'. Temps in the high 90's, HUMIDITY and 180 wind reversals forced you to keep your attention. Short lulls appeared but only briefly. Factory rifles battled it out and some had some equipment probs. 1st place goes to Paul Shanklin and that 308 with a 237-2X. Mr Mims was on his way to winning but blanked a few late bulls. So 2nd was Hal Bogatz and John Price gets 3rd.
3rd place VFS goes to Bill Sparks @ 250-14X. We welcome him back after a long absence. There was a tie for 1st place between Steve Brown and Steve Krause at 250-19X. The tiebreaker, Match #1 scores, goes to Mr. Brown edging Krause by 1X. A loud profanity laced verbal protest from shooter Krause was heard by the official scorer, Mr Krause. Consulting with the Match Director, Mr Krause, the protest failed as it was beyond protest protocol, out of line and clearly unfounded. So Steve Brown wins outright and received 1st place money and the coveted cold Watermelon. Congrats to Brown and his excellent shooting.
And we would like to recognize our previous Match Director observing our annual banner match, Virgil Howarth....The Greatest Match Director in club history. Applause here.

Our July match will be on July 30 and expect HOT. We start at 10am again. Hopefully the heat wave of June, averaging in the 100's, will abate some.
Good shooting all and thanks for the help on target and backer crews. Sure helps when everyone pitches in when it gets this hot.
Steve Krause
Benchrest Match Director

I don't know about "the greatest match director", but Steve runs great matches and has come up with methods and match procedures that I never thought of. He is the core reason these matches run so well and are a joy to all who participate. Keep those "X's" coming Steve!
