Austin Rifle Club - Match Results Aug 29, 2021

ARC - 100yd Match for Score
19 Shooters - 3 FactoryRifles
16 VFS Rifles

Fairly nice conditions today yet not just a 'trigger pull'. Had a good Factory rifle class with some 'first time at a match' shooters. Norman Luther walks away with first place with his 239-3X. New shooter Joshua Johnson shoots a 233-8X for second place shooting a nice 22-250, gets a clean "50" on his 2nd target ever and wins 2, count em, 2, best targets in his class. His brother Dickey places 3rd at 213.
In VFS class, Larry Kochanowicz gets first place with his 30 Major shooting a 250-21X, and 2 targets of 50-5X. 2nd place is Art Bosco at 250-20X. A shoutout to Don Mulhall with 18 X's which was looking real good till a point slipped away for a 249 final. 3rd place at 250-15X was Steve Krause.
Good close match today.

Two reminders for next month's match. We will start at 10am and will begin drawing for benches. This will make it equally fair to all and keep any shooter from getting too comfortable at one place.
We will postpone our 200 yd match, usually in Sept, till cooler weather and to let our new shooters get more comfortable with a match format.
Thanks to all for the help with target duty and helping our new shooters with those helpful hints and advice.
Steve Krause, Match Director


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ARC - 100yd Match for Score
19 Shooters - 3 FactoryRifles
16 VFS Rifles

Fairly nice conditions today yet not just a 'trigger pull'. Had a good Factory rifle class with some 'first time at a match' shooters. Norman Luther walks away with first place with his 239-3X. New shooter Joshua Johnson shoots a 233-8X for second place shooting a nice 22-250, gets a clean "50" on his 2nd target ever and wins 2, count em, 2, best targets in his class. His brother Dickey places 3rd at 213.
In VFS class, Larry Kochanowicz gets first place with his 30 Major shooting a 250-21X, and 2 targets of 50-5X. 2nd place is Art Bosco at 250-20X. A shoutout to Don Mulhall with 18 X's which was looking real good till a point slipped away for a 249 final. 3rd place at 250-15X was Steve Krause.
Good close match today.

Two reminders for next month's match. We will start at 10am and will begin drawing for benches. This will make it equally fair to all and keep any shooter from getting too comfortable at one place.
We will postpone our 200 yd match, usually in Sept, till cooler weather and to let our new shooters get more comfortable with a match format.
Thanks to all for the help with target duty and helping our new shooters with those helpful hints and advice.
Steve Krause, Match Director

Where have all the Hunter Class gone? Well I'm not one to talk...I sold out.