Aurora co, mbabr results


mike in co

The July Military Bolt Action BENCHREST match was held on sunday. We shoot both score and group in 5 relays. Small group in relay 1 was Wade Maddox followed by Paul Lundberg; in relay 2 Paul was first followed by Harold Lee. In score shooting Wade was on a hot streak taking first in relay 1 and 2, and taking third in relaly 3. Bob Lucernoni was very consistant with second place in all three relays, and Rob Spurrier taking first in relay 3. Overall score winner was Wade, followed by Rob S and Rob L.
Wade '96 Swede 6.5x55
Rob S '96 Swede 6.5x55
Rob L. 1903A3 .30'06

thanks to wilbur for finally have a place for us to post our BENCHRST results each month.

mike in co