Weather was pretty good for the match today, temps weren't too bad but the humidity was tight! The conditions were good light breeze and it stayed overcast, if the sun had come out it would have been like shooting through a swimming pool. We had a decent turnout with 19 guns,11 VFS,4 Mod and 4 factory.In VFS J. D. Denoff was first with 250-11x, Dale Avery was 2nd w-250-8x and Jim McGee was 3rd w 250-4x. Willie Brown won Factory w 246-3x and Jerry Wolfe was 2nd w 243-2x. In Modified Pretty Mrs. Kelly Hendrix put a whooping on her husband and the rest of the class with a fine 249-5x score, ( Great shooting Kelly) Terry Hendrix was 2nd with 245-5x and Jake Smith was 3rd w 243-6 x. Congratulations to all and Thanks to all that came to shoot and a special Thanks to all that help run the matches. See ya next month for the 100