Aug 2023 Sac Valley IR50/50 Results


Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters held their monthly Double 3-Card IR50/50 UNL match today,
and we had 8 shooters come out to participate, and try to decipher the dreaded Ione Triangle winds.
Actually conditions started off fairly mild with light breezes from the SW and mild temps.
We started off Match 1 with Dan Lutke laying down the gauntlet with a nice 250-10x (the only 250 of the day),
Pierre Bigras right behind with a 249-19x (don't ask him which bull was a 9!), with Marcus Byrne in 3rd at 248-16x.
Card 2 was taken by crowd favorite Ron Chisick with a 248-11x, just edging out Dan's 248-10, Marcus 3rd again at 247-9x.
Card 3 was won by Dan again with a 247-12x, edging Francis Lee's 247-10x, and Pierre 247-9x.
Results for Match 1:
Dan Lutke 745-32x
Pierre Bigras 739-37x
Greg Wilson 739-36x
We started Match 2 with the conditions becoming a little frisky. Switchy tailwind out of 4-8:00 anywhere from hanging to 3/4 tail.
I managed to sneak a 249-12x on Card 1 to edge out Pierre and Dan's 248-16x, Dan winning the FM tiebreaker.
Card 2 was close again with Pierre just edging out Marcus on x-count 248-13 to 248-12, Dan 3rd with a 246-16.
Card 3 was Dan with a very nice for the condition 249-17x, beating my 248-12x, Marcus 3rd with a 246-13x
Match 2 Results:
Dan Lutke 743-49x
Greg Wilson 743-35x
Pierre Bigras 742-40x
Special mention to our 2 Club/Factory shooters Mike Phillips & Rollie Bowns who shoot along with the UNL guys,
at least until we get a few more shooters for that class. Both of them are improving their scores with each match!
Rollie really likes his new scope, nice to be able to see your holdoffs!
On to the biggie,
The 6-Card combined Agg aka "The Money Match" (pays top 4 places) was as follows:
1st: Dan Lutke 1488-81x (also high x-count)
2nd: Greg Wilson 1482-71x
3rd: Pierre Bigras 1481-77x
4th: Marcus Byrne 1479-66x
Thanks to all the shooters who came out to play with us and pitched in to help put the frames away,
and thanks to Match Director Dan for running a fun match.
Complete results attached.
PS: Next month is the Calif State & SW Regional Championships Yds/Meters both days.


  • Aug 2023 IR5050 6-Card Agg.pdf
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