August, 2013
Match Place Name Score Calb
Benchrest Hunter 1ST Curt Gallaher 250 14X 30/47
2ND Joe Hutchens 227 4X 30/48
3RD Jon Gallaher 77 1X 30/44 Equip prob
Factory 1ST Jon Aronson 244 5X 22/250
2ND John Thorpe 234 2X 223
3RD Zach Hutchens 213 2X 223
Varmint for Score 1ST Art Bosco 249 15X 30BR
2ND Virgil Howarth 247 14X 30HBR
3RD Dennis Boyce 247 7X 6BR
13 Shooters showed up to a reasonably cool day (94 degrees) with a strong vectoring head wind. Note that a HUNTER shooter shot the only clean score with a Hunter class year high. Missed all you Burnet shooters. Oh well maybe next time.
Match Place Name Score Calb
Benchrest Hunter 1ST Curt Gallaher 250 14X 30/47
2ND Joe Hutchens 227 4X 30/48
3RD Jon Gallaher 77 1X 30/44 Equip prob
Factory 1ST Jon Aronson 244 5X 22/250
2ND John Thorpe 234 2X 223
3RD Zach Hutchens 213 2X 223
Varmint for Score 1ST Art Bosco 249 15X 30BR
2ND Virgil Howarth 247 14X 30HBR
3RD Dennis Boyce 247 7X 6BR
13 Shooters showed up to a reasonably cool day (94 degrees) with a strong vectoring head wind. Note that a HUNTER shooter shot the only clean score with a Hunter class year high. Missed all you Burnet shooters. Oh well maybe next time.