ATTN: Camping at Weikert



Post edited/issue resolved

I had two gentlemen bust their butts installing extra electric so we could handle everyone for nationals. They didn't do it for themselves, they did it for the shooters. At this time I am asking all campers to use only one electrical outlet. We have a great group of shooters and will do our best to serve all of them.
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I know that Dale and Mark, plus their families and others, have put forth an enormous effort to accommodate everyone for this shoot. It'll be a big crowd, so we all have to be respectful of everyone there. It'll be a great time!
Some folks are just more "hungry for power" than others, but 90 amps is enough current for someone like Dr. Frankenstein to bring a monster to life. ( "More power, MORE POWER ! ZSIIIIZZZZT---PSHTGEEEECHH ! it's alive---ALIVE !!!")
Might want to check the local morgues and graveyards for missing body parts ?
Maybe someone developed a Magnum Chargemaster ?
issue is resolved

Wanted to thank all and think everyone complied very willingly. Post wasn't design to start a stir but do still want those that haven't arrived to know only to only plug into one outlet. I'm not really concerned with Mark and George's work but the power companies side. Many of the early arrivals are offering their help in anyway they can. Some that come to mind are Smiley Hensley, Ned Hosey, Howie Levy, Harley Baker,Larry Costa, Andy Shifflett and others.
We normally have the some of the best crowd to be around at the memorial shoot and see no reason this won't continue for nationals.
Also want to thank all those that cancelled because of other obligations to have their deposits contributed to the target crew. Yes we got really good people in this sport.
see ya at the range.
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