Attention IR50/50 Match Directors


All IR50/50 Match Directors,
Please check the IR50/50 website for announcement concerning Score Postings.
Thank you all for what you do. Many people have never taken on the responibility of hosting and running any type of shooting discipline. This year I will manage or help with more than 100 sanctioned shotgun and rimfire matches. I know what you do and understand what you sacrifice to make these matches possible.
Kay, Anna and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year.
Questions & Suggestions

Hi Wayne,
When will the 2015 match schedule be on the IR50/50 website?
Would it be possible to list street addresses of the venues?

Reason for asking is, some of us that have to plan in advance in order to attend the matches. The idea of providing a street address is helpful, as many of us would be attending for the first time and may not know exactly where to go. Latitude and longitude is helpful, but an actual address is much simpler. JMO

Many ranges have not sent their 2015 schedule . We are working on 2015 also I am working on getting hats to those 2013 shooters. If you got your X man or list hat from Bill H. at the nationals please let me know.
We will try to put the physical address of the ranges on the new website.
Thank you

Many ranges have not sent their 2015 schedule . We are working on 2015 also I am working on getting hats to those 2013 shooters. If you got your X man or list hat from Bill H. at the nationals please let me know.
We will try to put the physical address of the ranges on the new website.

I see you have posted the IR50/50 schedule for 2015. I for one would like to thank you for doing that.

Thanks again
What is Changing

Can you give us a preview of The New and Exciting coming for IR50/50? :confused:

Your very welcome. More Shoot dates coming in every day. We will post them as they arrive. I hope to post some new and exciting matches and promotions soon on the new site.