ASRPA ARA Benchrest at Ben Avery


New member
The Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association (ASRPA) Smallbore Division will be holding their monthly rimfire benchrest match on November 23th at Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix using the ARA rules and format. All matches will be held on the Benchrest Range. This match will begin at 12:00 noon as will all our matches through the spring. This will be a six target outdoor unlimited match.

Match fees are $5 higher this month as it is a championship 6 target match. Lapua has generously donated some prizes for this match. The match fees will be $25 for ASRPA members and $30 for non-members. Please consider joining the ASRPA, it is a great organization that heavily promotes and sponsors shooting events in Arizona. Hope to see you there.

Steve Perkins
The Arizona State Rifle and

Steve Perkins,
Is there a standard weekend? Third weekend? Always 12 noon on Saturday?
Its 400 miles but we can come occassionals.
Dave Blazzard
St. George

Not Steve but I can help.

The matches are normally held on the 4th Saturday of the month.
June thru September start at 7:00 am due to heat.
The rest of the year starts at noon.
We have covered cement benches with, I can't remember exactly, about 30 benches that have target stand pockets at 50 yards.

Come shoot with us. We have a great time.

Bill Powell