Ask Pat Byrne

Butch Lambert

Active member
Ask Pat what happens when he is in the house with his pants around his ankles? He looks out the window and sees a coyote about 200yds away.If you know Pat, he has rifles on his 4 wheelers, every room of his house, and his truck. He waddles over to the window with his pants down and draws down on the coyote. He puts a light squeeze on the Jewell and guess what happens???
I'll take a guess Butch...

Ask Pat what happens when he is in the house with his pants around his ankles? He looks out the window and sees a coyote about 200yds away.If you know Pat, he has rifles on his 4 wheelers, every room of his house, and his truck. He waddles over to the window with his pants down and draws down on the coyote. He puts a light squeeze on the Jewell and guess what happens???

At the moment of the shot, the coyote is grazed, does a full charge at Pat, jumps into his half mast pants, they roll around in the yard, Vicki comes out of the house, video tapes the whole thing, and bribes Pat for years to come??????

wondering why hes lookin out the window with his pants around his ankles?:D
Why is he looking out the window with his pants down?

Pat has a great love for the land and the animals that graze on it. Tim
At the moment of the shot, the coyote is grazed, does a full charge at Pat, jumps into his half mast pants, they roll around in the yard, Vicki comes out of the house, video tapes the whole thing, and bribes Pat for years to come??????

Lets see now, pants down,- coyote - rifle- shoot at coyote - boom - glass everywhere. Damn those stupid manual operated winders I like em auto.
That yote would look like this first :eek: then this :p and when he told his friends, they all looked like this :D.
NO? ------- YES?
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