Ashe County Wildlife Club Score Shoot, Laurel Springs NC


E T Weaver

The Over Mountain Militia of Ashe County finished the season with a beautiful but blustery fall day. Winds 15-20 mph, gusts to 40, and constant changes made for anything but a trigger pulling contest. Henery Rivers swept the field with some great shooting. Pictured Left to Right standing are: E.T. Weaver, Ronnie Long, David Richardson, and kneeling is Humble Henery.
We thank all the shooters, the volunteers, the target crew, the scorers, and the cooks (our menu included B-B-Q Chichen and Roast Venison) who helped us make this a fantastic season.


  • IBS Winners 10-15-11.jpg
    IBS Winners 10-15-11.jpg
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Ashe County Shoot

Must be a mistake; that pictue is filled with what appears to be convicts.

Nice shooting all

FB is talking to the ones standing up only-HA!!! Just wanted to thank everyone for the Shoots they put on at Ashe County Club, good people, good times and Great food. It takes a lot of hard work to put on the shoots and they stepped up to the plate! Look forward to next year.

OK so we got his name wrong or maybe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Ok we got it wrong,,,,,,,,,it's HENRY, not HENERY ! But wait ! Maybe Henery is an alias. I know convicts use 'em. Anyhow, sorry Henry about the spelling.
Thanks to Ashe County Gun Club

Thanks to all the fine people that worked so hard to provide the shooters with a quality match. Everyone knows how hard it is to put on a match, and these folks work harder each time and matches get better and better. Congratulations to Henry, ET,and David for some good shooting under tough conditions. Look forward to next year.