Ashe county wildlife club 100/200 flash flood shoot



The IBS shoot yesterday was an unexpected success. The Weatherman predicted down pours all day man did he hit it. The rain was extremely hard all morning finally stopping at lunch. The conditons were tough all day winds were 25-35 with gusts of 45-50. The rain filled a gallon bucket on my truck sitting level in the parking lot before it finally stopped. Everyone that shot 2 weeks ago at Palmetto said it was much worse conditons here at ACWC.The winds were switching from every direction very tough conditons maybe something to do with all the Tornados we had yesterday here in NC!!! The Local 4H provided the Club with a fantastic Lunch of Roastbeef and baked potatoes and ACWC members brought sides and desserts galore. Donations helped the ACWC have a great lunch and the 4H with there fund raising. Despite the weather we did finish the shoot without any delays. IT WAS A GREAT DAY WITH TOUGH CONDITONS.
I will say Thanks again for the great job our stafff and target crew did. The Target Crew was soaked from head to toe. We had 14 shooters. The Humble Henry was the big winner winnig the 100 and Grand agg the offical scores should soon be posted

Steve Eller
Steve you foregot the other high light of the day....Jimmy Thompson AKA..Pinky.. also done a grate job to as he went away with his first wood as he placed third at 100.with a 249 not sure on x count but any way that was good shooting under the conditions there were times I could not see the target for the rain. JOB WELL DONE JIMMY
"Jimmy Thompson AKA..Pinky"..........Rick, reckon it time to dispense with the "Pinky" and just go with "Mr. Thompson" from now on???

From all reports, it looks like I picked a good one to miss!!

I have not seen the official results yet, but congrats to all the winners and especially to Mr. Thompson on his first piece of wood. One of you Ashe County boys might have to buy him a bigger cap!!
Ashe County Shoot

I would like to thank the crew that put on the shoot in such adverse conditions, hats off!! As Steve stated before the conditions were bad, thought the shoot in Charleston was bad but just a warm up for this one. Congrats to all the winners good job on a tough day. We had two new first time winners( Jimmy and Brian ) great shooting.

Thanks Again: Humble Henry :eek: