ASC VFS October Results and Shooter of the Year

The temperature for the October VFS was a bit chili to start, but the scores were red hot. We had 10 perfect targets of 50-5X. Allen Wilkes turned in a real nice 250-22X to win the match. 3 of his 5 targets were perfect 50-5X’s. Jim Nichols also shot a 250-22X, but was edged out by mister Creedmoor, and placed 2nd.


We had 8 matches on the schedule, but lost the first two matches due to COVID restrictions in Texas. In May we were able to resume matches, and the folks showed up to shoot each month. We averaged 17 shooters each match. It was a great year to shoot despite the pandemic. Since we only had 6 matches, it was decided that the SOY would be the top 5 scores of the 6.

Vicki King led all shooters with a perfect 1250 – 61X’s. She was the only one that turned in 5 clean scores.
That just goes to show you that it’s a marathon, and not a sprint when it comes to SOY status.


I want to thank all the shooters that came out to shoot with us in 2020, and I look forward to a great 2021 shooting year.
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