Arlington Sportsman Club 2015 VFS schedule starts this weekend

If you live in the Dallas Ft. Worth area, and want a relaxed setting to shoot 100 yard VFS, but still want some competition, come see us at Arlington Sportsman Club in Mansfield Texas this Saturday.

Gates open at 8:00 and we start shooting as close to 9:00 am as possible.
Club is located at 11500 County Road 525 Mansfield TX 76063
Format is 100 yard VFS on IBS official targets.

You do not need to be a member to shoot. Cost is $5 for members and $10 for non members.

This year I am donating 50 pcs of custom brass to the shooter with the best score at the end of the year. For more info on that, please see my website at

Hope to see you there.