ARA Waco Double Tournament and Double Points


Fran B

Central Texas Rifle and Pistol Club will have our Double Tournaments October 8 & 9.
On October 8, "The Heart of Texas Club Tournament" sign-in is 9 a.m. The match starts
10 a.m., six cards.
On October 9 "The Texas State Tournament" sign-in is 8 a.m. The match starts at
9 a.m., six cards. Range will be open Friday by 12 p.m. for practice.
Please let me know if you are coming for planning purposes and if you prefer one relay or two relays. Scoring will be done electronically by Dan Killough's scoring program.

Fran Barletta
It appears out of state attendance is down this year so far. Maybe Texas shooters might keep the trophy in Texas this year. They will have to go through two very good shooters from out of state, Glen Townly and Jason Thornhill to do so.
Fran B
I picked up the Trophys to day, they did a nice job this year. One more out standing shooter from out of state coming Charlie Scott. The weather will be mild temptures.
Fran B
Results For the Heart of Texas Tournmant
1. Rick SHouse 2080
2. Glen townley 2039
3. Charles Scott 2021
Results for The Texas State Tournmant
1.Charles Scott 2264
2. Rick Shouse 2202
3. Jason Thornhill 2190
Great weekend. Enjoyed the refreshing rain, but 5 plus inches is a bit overboard.

Fred J