ARA Target at 20 Yards - Results Mean Anything?



Just out of curiosity I shot an ARA target at 20 yards early Friday morning. It was perfectly calm but cold (40 degrees at best). I shot a perfect 2500 with no targets coming close to needing to be plugged. Eley Match 1070 speed. I am just wondering if any conclusions can be drawn from this. It would seem that if a rifle could not shoot a perfect score at 20 yards it would be very unlikely that rifle would be able to shoot a great score at 50 yards. Conversely, just because a rifle can shoot a perfect score at 20 yards, does it mean that rifle is capable of a great score at 50 yards? I have never seen this discussed here and was just wondering if anyone else had tried this. Thanks in advance for any replies and discussion.

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I have heard from good shooters who test ammo at 25 yards because the wind will have a lessor effect than at 50 yards. I would rather test ammo inside at 25 yards than outside at 50 yards with the wind effect.

Concho Bill
Years ago we shot pretty regularly at 25 yards indoors. for the most part good rifles shot a single hole at that yardage indoors...the really good ones you could take a spent casing and stick it in the target of a 3 shot group and it would hold the case in the target

I don't believe your target shows that you have a competetive rifle at 50 yards but what it did tell you is that at least you probably don't have a turd. If it is throwing shots at 25 yards it aint going to get better at 50! I hope you have a shooter. Good luck.
