ARA Shooters Primer


Well-known member
ARA Shooters Primer

There are many rewards ARA shooters can receive. The weight of these rewards is determined by the shooters own priorities.

To some, it is the sportsmanship, getting to together with like-minded people, and sharing time doing something they enjoy.

In the long run this is what keeps us all in the game.

There are other, smaller rewards.

In ARA we have, or had, Target Stars pins. These stars pins are awarded to competitors that wins a target in a sanctioned ARA match.

These stars are sometimes displayed on hats and jackets.

We also have the Match pins, these pins are awarded to the competitor that win a sanctioned ARA match. These pins are also worn on hats and jackets.

Many clubs have stopped awarding these pins. I have always thought they were important.

In a small way, they are recognition of shooting success that can be displayed anywhere you go. Unlike plaques, and cups, that collect dust.

Many clubs have elected to give money as prizes instead of these pins. Everyone likes money, but usually the money isn’t enough to even recover ones entry fee.

The pins have value beyond their cost. They are a better idea, especially for our newer shooters.

On a larger scale ARA shooters can win State ARA tournaments. (both Indoor and outdoor).

The winner of these tournaments have taken on all competitors that showed up for the match. No pre-qualifying required.

It really is a big deal, and quite an accomplishment. It should be recognized as such. Host clubs choose how they recognize their State tournament champions.

There is also an overall ARA state champion based on the points collected over the entire year.

Those Champions are recognized by ARA headquarters at the ARA Nationals tournament match in St. Louis, Mo.

Then we have the ARA Nationals each year in St Louis, Mo. This is arguably the most prestigious single event in Rim fire Bench rest shooting in the country. Note:This may soon be challenged by the Triple Crown Match to be held at Kettlefoot, Va.

The ARA Nationals requires no prequalification. It is open to all. Very few restrictions on equipment. The winner must have the highest agg. over eight targets, shot over two days.

Last we have the National (indoor and outdoor) A-line, and AGG Champions.

These titles are won over the long haul. They mean you have accumulated the most points of any other shooter in ARA for the entire year. That is a really big deal!

These Champions are recognized by ARA Headquarters at the ARA Outdoor Nationals Tournament, in St Louis, Mo. each year.

I know I may have made some mistakes writing this, so please feel free to correct me.

Now is a good time to set your goals for the year, pick one, or more, and go for it!

I hope to see many new faces on the ranges this year.

Well said

Tony, well said.
I cherish the few I've received. Those pins are hard to come by!
Our club match director used to print off 8"x11" awards. A nice touch. But has switched to ribbons now due to costs I think.
We all have a ton of time & money in the sport & a little recognition goes a long way. Especially for new shooters.
Goals are a good thing too as long as they're modest. I made the mistake of setting a loftier goal than I should have my 2nd year & the sport became less fun. Frustrating actually. So I decided last year to just have fun. And did.
Good luck to everyone in '15
Give out the pins

I agree. When a person totals their expenses for a match; the entry fee, the cost of the ammunition, the travel expenses, not to mention the cost of the equipment, a couple of dollars for a reward would just be quickly spent.

I shoot because I enjoy shooting and chatting with my friends, both old and new. If I get a star or a target pin, it is just a bonus. To see a newer shooter get one is just as big of a reward.

The fact is that none of us that I shoot with would be interest in recieving a token amount of money that would be spent at the next Dairy Queen on a hamburger. We all realize that we are paying for the pins with the entry fee and that is OK. Some of us may choose to donate the pins back to the club latter. I have given my grand daughters a couple of mine.

Concho Bill
Recognition thru a SMALL Token

The recognition of ones accomplishments, in our shooting disciplines, dates all the way back to The NRA shooting marksmanship programs. The awarding of Pins, Badges, and Trophy's, no matter how small, needs to continue and be accepted by the winner, in the spirit for which they are given.

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