Ara Rule Change



Thanks to all match directors for passing this change , the RIG PLUG ONLY, so no more homemade plugs or big old heavy glass plugs . if it is a ARA target there better be only a rig plug there , i like throwing those other plugs in the field , makes good target practice..........:D
Scotty as good as using the Rig plug is (thats what I've been using for two seasons now) I like the other rule that passed even better. Giving the MD the ability to post the targets as there finished. Should stop some rather poor judgments by "some" folks from ever happening again.


that is correct , i will post targets like i did in the past, which caused a proplem of shooters going to there target and putting there plug in it while the match is not finished up.. this year i will hang targets and warn everyone there that if you handle your targets it will cost you to be disquaified from the match NO EXCEPTIONS ... do not handle targets til match is over..:D
Match directors "could" always hang targets. That was the stupidest rule change ever. It should have read that they "must" hang targets.
No Don thats not quite right :eek:

and I quote ARA Rules online

The targets shall not be viewed or handled by anyone other than the target handler or scoring team, for any reason, until after the Official Scoring Team completes the entire scoring procedure for all targets in the event.

So if a match director did post the targets he was breaking the rules.


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Sorry....I've read the rules through several times and can't ever remember reading that...I must be getting older...
Do you folks find the magnifier unit to be helpful? I've just stopped using it, it didn't seem to contribute much to "plug vs don't plug" decision.


Using the plug and magnifier together is the only way to go as far as I'm concerned. Drop the plug in there if it’s close then drop on the magnifier, still too close to call, bring in the reserves and sort it out two out of three wins. (never had a bull plugged this way overturned) Done next bull.


Ben I pull the coils and little magnifier right off the Rig set up. All I use is the plug itself. If I need it I use the separate 8x loupe style magnifier.


If you try it out, it will be like night and day for you then using the magnifier on the rig plug.


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