ARA Results from El Dorado, California



We held our first match of the year this past Sunday. The weather was cold but sunny and not very breezy. A welcome change from our mild northern California winter. 7 old timers and 1 new shooter arrived to again test our downhill range.

Dale brought 2 guns, a new one and a 1 piece rest and before finishing the practice round went back to his old one and the trusty sand bags. :D

Jerry however stuck with the combination of the 40X and his one piece rest to do his thing. :D

Our raw ags:

Dale Bakken 2212.5
Jerry Willis 2000.0
John Cory 1987.5
Rich Leaman 1762.5
Tom Falconer 1695.0
Dennis McCarthy 1580.0
James McCarthy 1448.75
Bob Johnston 993.75

Thanks for all the help in scoring and cleaning up the range; it is always appreciated.

Next match, second Sunday in March on the 9th.

Info on our range:

John Cory
Match Director

It looks like you are going to have to adopt one of our new rules that we have down here in Modesto. For 2008 season Dale Bakken must fire all relays with his right hand tied behind his back.

Dale's handicap


I know we will have to come up with some way to handicap Dale?

Maybe some form of good looking distraction or just plain terror.

But anyway it sure is fun shooting against him.:D

Winter shooting...

I started to say........"Wow,must be nice to get to shoot matches in Feb." but then i thought.....hmmmmmmmm shoot in the Winter but have to live in Calf.? Guess not. So i guess i'll sit and wish for another 4-8 weeks.....:( Down to 9 deg. tonite with wind chill at -5. Oh well,Spring is just around the corner.
Rob I'll have to start looking for a new rifle LBLP.


Well Colt.45, many of us California shooters surely agree with you about the
Republik of Kalifornia !!

I wish it was different but CA seems destined to be a dumping ground for nuts, radical Socialists, those of 'unusual' gender persuations and inclinations and the occasional independent conservative.

We just try to keep the gun voice alive here and remind those around us of our 'original' country's values and under whose guidance this county was built.

Just wish us luck and God's Speed.
