ARA Results Boerne 6 08 19


New member
I did not get to participate the match on Saturday, because somehow my rifle got left behind.
Judging from the wind condition and topping it off with the mirage from the high temperature, I think I got the best of the deal sitting in the scoring shack in the AC.
A big CONGRATULATION'S to Josie Hensler who took 1st place in the ARA club match taking the lead by a 150 points. Great shooting Josie keep it up!
Josie had an aggregate of 2112.50 earning 32 points. She took high card on T1-2000, tied with Les Williams on T2-2250 and took high card on T3-2200.
Les Williams took 2nd place with an aggregate of 2075.00
Jerry Hensler took 3rd his aggregate was 2006.25 having overall high card of the day with a 2300 on T4.
It was great to see everyone and we are looking forward to the next match.
Congrats again Josie!
