ARA and IR50/50 U-L Matches at Kettlefoot this Weekend


Kettlefoot will host 4 Matches this weekend.

Fri. May15 4ARA Target Club Match Start Time 6:00PM

Sat. May16 4ARA Target Club Match Start Time 9:00AM

Lunch provided

Sat. May 16 12:00 Noon 3 IR50/50 Target U-L Club Match

Entry fees on above: 5:00 per Target (20.00, 20.00 and 15.00) with 5.00 per entry into the prize fund to be divided equally between High Agg and Target winners.

After the ARA and IR50/50 Matches. Bring your Stock 40X, 82 Kimber, 52Win or other stock target rifle and your ARA/IR50/50 legal rest and we will have a Stock 3 Target fun shoot. 10.00 entry fee. 5.00 per entry to be divided same as above.

Hope to see you at the range,