Applying A Serial Number On A Pre-64 M70 Bolt



I posted this on the General Discussion Forum but will put it here too.

I have a Pre-64 M70 bolt that needs a serial number applied like Winchester did it at the factory in the 1950s with an electric pencil, I believe. Do you know anyone who can do this?
The pre-64 M70 bolt that I have in the shop is from about that era, looks like it was done with one of the vibrating engravers. It wouldn't be hard to do with one of them as it's far from professional looking. You can pick one of those up pretty easily. Our vet uses one to engrave the dog's name on the back of their rabies tags. The complete serial number is what is engraved on the bolt that I have.
Isn't the idea of a serial number to identify which part you really have? This sounds sorta like changing the serial number on a car, or its engine, then saying it's all original... If you already know it isn't, what's the point of having a number on the bolt? :confused:
The receiver is the only part that is legally required to be serial numbered. The only reason bolts are is to show that that bolt goes with that receiver. If the bolt has a serial number it's usually very lightly done and can disappear if the action is refinished. The serial number on the receiver is cut deep and usually won't disappear when it's refinished. It doesn't hurt to leave it off or put it back on the bolt. It's not like a Mauser 98 where every part has a matching deep serial number.