Anyone Join Club Lapua?


P Magoon, Livin' Free NH
I just received a brick of Lapua Midas+. Inside was a card which invited me to go to and scan a code to see if I'd won a prize.

Evidently, you can't join the club without scanning the code. Anyhow, I scanned it and someone else's email address came up. Evidently, there was a duplicate code or something. I now have no way to join the club. I sent them a message about it but haven't heard back yet.

Anyone else have this experience?
Lapua slightly lacking in responding

After buying my first case two years ago I gave up trying to join after the second case with no luck.
Email’s were sent.
No response
Club Lapua

I went thru pretty much the same, turns out the offer expired back in '15. There is a "Club Lapua" but it caters to Europeans. It is mainly to establish a mailing list, IMHO
Well, I got a nice email reply today from Erkki Seikkula, their sales and marketing manager. He said the printer had made a mistake on some cards and he gave me a new code to use. I didn't win anything, but if I buy 9 more products, I get a free mousepad.

I suspect you are right, it is mostly a way to build a mailing list.