Anyone have any luck contacting Jim Williams in the Classifieds through Email?


MSU Marksman

Just curious if anyone has heard back from him through the email system or not. Right now work hours are keeping me from giving him a call, but I've tried twice to contact him through the ad with no luck.
Could it be the ad with this at the bottom:

"Being 80 years old and not overly fond of computers, please call me if you are serious about purchasing this action. "
spend 50c on a phone call you will appreciate jim williams.

wednesday nights he is in church I think

call works best

Mr. Williams informed me (on the phone) he is 80 years old and does not do e-mail.
I think it's ironic that someone will take advantage of the internet [ to sell his stuff far quicker and for more $$ than would be possible if not for Al Gore ] but they don't do email.
he did not

Jim got a friend to post this stuff on the interent, he may not even seen the ad,

it is not ironic, just facts wait until you get old, same ting will happen

Just curious if anyone has heard back from him through the email system or not. Right now work hours are keeping me from giving him a call, but I've tried twice to contact him through the ad with no luck.

Give him a call and leave a message. He will call you back. He has a massive collection with each gun being almost perfect. I would rather say perfect. Every time his gun was tested it hit the red at 50yds, 300yds, and he can do it at over 1,000 yds. That is why I am calling him again. This collection will not last long.
Mr. Williams informed me (on the phone) he is 80 years old and does not do e-mail.

In defense of Mr. Williams who is over 80, he might not be good at computers but he has an outstanding gun collection that I have seen and purchased from. His guns will hit the red everytime. I had a 13 year old hit the red with a savage 22 he hit the red at 50 yds. No problem at 300 and it has been easily done at 1,000 yds. This collection will not last. I have met the man several times and a fool would ignore the quality of guns he has for sale.

J. Davidson

As a federal agent I am not a friend of this man. Just an agent who inspects large weapon supplies. But, when I see quality guns that are being sold by a master gunsmith at a bargin I will buy. You can think what you want about him, but he just has an overabundance of guns that must be sold.

C. Cannon