Anyone have any experience with a H&R 5200



picked one up from an old friend.shot it acouple shoots real good.wanting to try different ammo.if you have one what ammo does it like.this one likes ely pistol real well.any tips would be very helpful. Thanks, Rod
i have an h-r 5200-what i would advise is determine what range you like 100 or 50 yd. then what i do is bring in my test pak--a box of every companies ammo,eley team,tenex,wolf match extra,fiocchi match extra,then throw in,cci target,winchester target etc.,i hope you get lucky with inexpensive stuff--i never have--mark your targets with the brand,and have fun-you will soon see what your rifle likes.
I have the M12 which I believe is the military trainer version of the 5200. This rifle is stone stock with a Harrel tuner and it loves Lapua Midas+, Center-X and Eley Black Box. This rifle shoots consistently in the high 240's with an occasional 250 on the IR-50/50 target.