Anyone has James Pappas's phone #

Kent Owens

Well-known member
I had it but somehow lost track of it. If someone would PM me the # I'd sure appreciate it, need to contact him. Thanks
Thanks Dave. Appreciate it!

You know that's the first darned place I looked, never saw a rest add in the classifieds by Pappas. Maybe I overlooked it, but I dont think so.
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You know I won't let you off that easy 8>)
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Of course you're right, I looked again before you posted, and found it on the second page. I must be brain dead from sniifing too much cleaning solvent and beding compound. Some excuse is better than none I guess. Thanks! But you know, someone who makes a rest as good as Pappas should be on the front page at the top of the list:) I appreciate it.
Keep up the good shooting!
James, How did you like how I got you some front page advertising out of that exchange 8>)
james uses progresso soup cans fer phones, ya gotta holler real loud !!:D