Anybody heard from henry childs or baron graham



Just checking on those Down South gentlemen.

Thomas Ellington aka FOURON
Hi Thomas, Henry emailed me approx 7 days ago here in Australia so he's still around.. He was quite pleased about a recent shoot he had attended and the accompanied picture explained why .. JR.. Jeff Rogers
Thomas, Baron was planning on making the Nationals at White Horse. I got an email from him first week in August... My back is healing slowly. Still can't pick up anything near a HG.
Jeff and Charles
Thanks for the replies. I was a little worried about them and there families down there in the big storm country.Sure hope that alls well.
Charles, good to hear that you are getting better. You sure missed a big storm at the end of the last match.

Thomas Ellington aka FOURON
Henry (and Nancy) are at Byers, CO for the CRC 1000yd Money Shoot this weekend.
Just got off the phone with Gordy Mitchell and he said him and Henry were both at the CRC at the same time today for practice.

Good Luck to All .... at both Byers & White Horse !!!
Donovan Moran
Like myself, Henry lives in North Louisiana, and we got quite a bit of rain, but nothing that endangers us. Those like Don Geraci took the brunt of the storm. Don lives in Independence....which is just north of Lake Pontchatrain. They received an extreme amount of rain, plus the water coming down from Mississippi. I haven't heard from Don. James Mock
Thanks for the replies. We have lots of shooters living in lots of places. Hope that all are safe and sound.

Thomas Ellington aka FOURON
As Charles said, I’ve been at White Horse for the Nationals. I just got back home around 8:20 tonight. Everything is fine here at the house. My house is about 100 miles off the coast right along the MS/AL line. All we got was rain and some tropical storm winds. Waverly told me you were asking about me. Thanks for being concerned. You should have been at White Horse!
Good to hear that all is well.My grandson and myself will try to get to the next nationals if possible. Hope you shot well.

Thomas Ellington aka FOURON
Hey there Thomas ,Hopefully you can come out next year ,Glad to hear Baron and his wife got got home safe and found no damage at home. Man that was a drive. I got in last night about 9:20 and bet it was a haul for them too.I hope everybody got home safe and with no damage to their homes as well. Has anybody heard how Henry and Nancy did?

Tim in Tx
Whats going on Tim. You been doing a lot of riding and a little bit of shooting. Hope you enjoyed yourself. Does your buddy still travel with you? Take care.

Thomas Ellington aka FOURON
My shooting sure showed it this weekend for sure, and that was all me I cannot blame it on the guns.If it can be screwed up I did it this weekend .Flyers ate me up. Man if I could just get my wind correcting tuner made I would be in like flint.[lol] My buddy chris is not shooting due to money issues.White horse did a great job and had a ton of fun .

Tim in Tx